Saturday 19 September 2009

Top mind tips - number one

So your vacation from work is now a distant memory. Get the most out of the experience using my ten top tips tomake you feel better about the day ahead.

On the journey to work, provided you are traveling by public transport, close your eyes and ears to the passenegers around you. Remember what was special about the holiday – the smells, tates, that magical light. Use this time to refresh your mind so that you can face the day with a positive start.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Companies are killing their employees!

This is an article sent to my by Leon Benjamin .......... what interested me is the "powerlessness" of the workforce. Ok, there are references to capitalism but beyond the politics I am interested in personal empowerment. As individuals what can we do to control our environments and as I always say - realise your potential?

If your are a manager, what can you do to motivate your staff?

Coaching is liberating and it saves costs! I would be intersted in your views - just add a comment.



How public companies are killing their own employees

Once again Leslie Thatcher picks out the best writings in the French press on subjects we just can't talk about here in the UK. Patrick Apel-Muller writes in L'Humanité about the cause of employee suicides at France Telecom.It was to take 21 employee suicides from February 2008 before the management of France Télécom would agree to assess the full scale of the dramas that play out within its walls. Now management mentions "prevention of psycho-social risks."I've long argued that command and control organisation is actually killing people. Research by the UK Work Foundation reached this conclusion several years ago when it found that the biggest contributor to the 2.7m people on incapacity benefits was workplace stress brought about by the oppressive nature of the traditional nature of the firm, which basically doesn't scale without the wholesale destruction of the workforce's self-worth and self-esteem leading to what is now referred to as 'work rage'.I was working in Bangalore with Tesco a few years ago. I remember having conversations with successful upwardly mobile young Indian technologists about new houses, cars, holidays. I pointed out that what comes with all this prosperity is the slew of western ailments associated with the export of capitalism’s model of organisation – diabetes, stress, obesity, jealously, distrust, rapacious greed and so on. They just laughed at me. This was published last week;India outsourcing workers stressed to the limit. From obesity to sleep disorders – a healthcare crisis in the making? careful what you wish for.....Patrick's article goes on to say;It's the work itself that is sick because aspirations to self-realisation are denied and dignity often manhandled.
Among the messes and the waste capitalism brings about, human sufferings are not the least and they always accompany the destruction of the labor resource. How many broken hopes, wrecked feelings of self-worth are provoked by the precariousness of employment to which a majority of young employees are now compelled! The first steps into adult life become an obstacle course that goes on and on ...
Read the whole thing.