Monday 10 August 2009

Do you need to see more clearly?

One evening I was having a quite drink when I was introduced to a friend’s colleague. As some point in the conversation he asked what I did for a living. So I told him briefly that I coached individuals and business leaders.
His reply was swift and dismissive: “I cannot see how you make a living doing that. I own my own business and I cannot see what coaching would do for me”.
I smiled and congratulated him on his success. I decided that a long conversation about the merits of coaching could wait for another day. Sometimes even coaches need a break. However, it reminded me how often the people who may benefit most for coaching react in a defensive manner when coaching is mentioned. Of course he may have achieved his goals and was now content. Some how, I doubt that was the case.
If the time and the place had been conducive for a chat I would have said that coaching helps develop self-awareness and confidence. My clients often remark that they see significant improvements in the following areas of their live:
Learn to solve own problems
Improve managerial and interpersonal skills
Have better relationships with colleagues
Learn how to identify and act on development needs
Have greater confidence
Become more effective, assertive in dealing with people
Have a positive impact on performance
Ability to see new perspectives
Acquire new skills and abilities
Develop greater adaptability to change
Improve work-life balance
Reduce stress levels
Generally more contented
Feel that their lives are moving forward positively.

If my friend’s colleague had the chance to reflect on the above check list and feel able to answer the questions in a safe environment I would what he would have said?
Try it for yourself; you might be surprised at the answers.

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