Friday 7 August 2009

When did you last pause to think about what you want?

Are you facing up to a major career change in your life?

Every so often we're hit by the urge to change jobs and for a lot of people since the global economic downturn, enforced job change. Particularly in the case of redundancy the future may look very frightening. This is specially if you have been in the same role and/or company for some time. I do not need to rehearse the reasons for this, as you will know them well.
The solution to this problem is manageable although still hard work. The solution is to remember to break the problem down into manageable sections.

Do you/can you replicate your old job?

What do you really want to do?

Is this an opportunity to consider if you are happy with your life style?

What are your strengths, capabilities and assets?

What are your transferable skills?

How long will your severance money last?

Look at your budget. Is there a way to cut back and take the pressure off, or allocate some funds to a special project?

Think about what may be standing in your way of achieving your chosen path. What would it take to remove those barriers? It can be a very exciting time when you approach job change in an enlightened way. The secret to success is to explore a range of options. To give yourself the time and space to think about your core values and aspirations. If there were no barriers, what would you be doing in six months time? When you take the time to dream, you will discover that you are qualified for many more opportunities than your CV/resume or your current mind set would allow you to believe.
If you would like a confidential no cost consultation about how one t0 one coaching can help your career or personal growth – call 07790126264 or email

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